OrbRom Center: Supporting Children with Diverse Needs in Phnom Penh

OrbRom Center is a prominent special education provider [...]

Teaching Math Concepts to Children with Special Needs

Math anxiety? Not just for adults. Children with [...]

A Teacher’s Guide to Selective Mutism

Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder characterized by [...]

Effective Strategies for Teaching Letter Recognition in Early Childhood (Special Needs)

Mastering letter recognition lays the foundation for literacy, [...]

How to Teach Letter Recognition in Early Childhood

Developing strong literacy skills begins with a solid [...]

Unlocking Math Potential: Strategies for Inclusive Learning Environments

Traditional teaching methods may not always cater to [...]

Teaching Children with Autism Personal Hygiene Skills

Promoting independence in daily living skills is crucial [...]

Teaching Hygiene to Students with Special Needs

Promoting personal hygiene and independent living skills is [...]

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Apps

For individuals with speech difficulties, effective communication can [...]

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